Miss Universe Singapore beauties get skin-deep



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Beauties get skin-deep

The MUS finalists and Dr Yanni Xu (in white), medical director of The Urban Clinic taking wefies outside the clinic. TNP PHOTOS: GAVIN FOO

MUS 2017 finalists visit The Urban Clinic for consultations and treatments

Charmaine Soh Sep 26, 2017 06:00 am

The Miss Universe Singapore (MUS) 2017 finalists smoothened out all their dermatological issues after checking in at The Urban Clinic, the official skin expert for this year's pageant.

They also made new discoveries and learnt how to resolve their conditions after consultations and treatments at the medical aesthetics clinic at Raffles City.

Suffianah Baharin, 26, was grateful that The Urban Clinic helped her with a long-term problem.

The talent acquisition manager has acne scars due to her frequent cystic acne breakouts when she was a teenager.

Using PicoSure laser treatment, a breakthrough technology to revitalise skin, remove unwanted pigment, and treat wrinkles and acne scars, Suffianah noticed significant improvements in about three weeks.

She told The New Paper: "I saw that my scars gradually faded, my acne pits were minimised and I had less patchy skin.

"It was a very comfortable process and there was hardly any pain despite using the laser."

Dr Yanni Xu performing the PicoSure laser treatment on Camira Asrori as Estelle Heng, Debra Loi and Ashley Rita Wong look on. TNP PHOTOS: GAVIN FOO

She also realised the importance of using sunblock and moisturiser after consultations with Dr Yanni Xu, the medical director of The Urban Clinic.

Suffianah added: "I never used to apply (these) but Dr Yanni helped me become more aware of how to protect my skin by advising and providing me with the suitable products."

Fashion stylist Camira Asrori also experienced PicoSure for herself.

"After meeting every single one of the 20 girls over the consultations and treatments, we were impressed by the all-round beautiful and intelligent finalists. We hope that the ladies’ hard work will pay off... at the finals (on Oct 11)."

Dr Yanni Xu, medical director of The Urban Clinic

She thought the small spots under her eyes and on her cheeks were freckles. The 22-year-old had no idea they were acne scars till she went for her consultation session.

She said: "The pain was tolerable as the treatment just felt like ant bites on my face. I'm happy with the end result as after two weeks, the scars totally disappeared.

"I also feel more confident going out now without make-up."

Camira also had the chance to undergo SculpSure - a light-based body contouring technology which targets and destroys fat cells - in an area near her upper thighs.

"Although the effect will kick in only after 16 weeks, the process felt comfortable and the staff ensured that the pain was tolerable by checking with us before increasing the amount of pressure," said Camira.

Suffianah Baharin receiving the SculpSure treatment as (from left) Emilbiany Nenggal Intong, Rudihra Ramathas and Tessa Hogan look on. TNP PHOTOS: GAVIN FOO

Amanda Tan, 28, has The Urban Clinic's efficient service to thank for saving her a day before an MUS photoshoot.

The marketing manager said: "My face was red and itchy because of a severe allergic reaction and I had to rush down to the clinic where Dr Yanni was kind enough to immediately help me."

Amanda was prescribed antihistamines and steroids for the swelling, put on a soothing clay mask and applied serum to relieve her condition.

On collaborating with MUS for the first time, Dr Xu said: "After meeting every single one of the 20 girls over the consultations and treatments, we were impressed by the all-round beautiful and intelligent finalists.

"Working with them on their skin and body contours has been a very enjoyable journey for the entire Urban team.

"We hope that the ladies' hard work will pay off and that everyone will see the best of their body, face and intellect at the finals (on Oct 11)."



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