Miss Universe Vietnam 2021 finale slated for December



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The Miss Universe Vietnam 2021 final will be organised in Ho Chi Minh City on December 17, according to the municipal People’s Committee.

VNA Tuesday, April 27, 2021 10:17

Current Miss Universe Vietnam Nguyen Tran Khanh Van (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The Miss Universe Vietnam 2021 final will be organised in Ho Chi Minh City on December 17, according to the municipal People’s Committee.

Contestants can send their applications to the organising board from now until September 8 at the website www.hoahauhoanvuvietnam.com.

The preliminary round of the pageant will be organised in HCM City and Hanoi from September 10-24, while a reality show series will take place in HCM City and several other localities from September 24 to December 17.

The semi-final round will be organised on December 13.

Miss Universe Vietnam 2017 H’Hen Nie, who entered top five at Miss Universe 2018 finale, will be a member of the seven-strong jury.

The pageant was first held in 2008. The current Miss Universe Vietnam is Nguyen Tran Khanh Van./.



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