Miss Universe's pro-Israel post creates online firestorm



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"Shallom, Thank you from the bottom of my heart ISRAEL for hosting the 70th edition of Miss Universe in your beautiful country," winner of the latest pageant wrote next to a video she uploaded on the social network.

By Eran Swissa Published on 12-23-2021 17:01

Newly crowned Miss Universe Harnaaz Sandhu poses in Mumbai, India, December 23, 2021 | Photo: Reuters / Niharika Kulkarni

India's Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu, the winner of the Miss Universe pageant that was recently held in Israel has come under fire in recent days for sharing her positive reviews of the Jewish state.

Sandhu uploaded an Instagram reel on Dec. 15 sharing her experience and even wrote alongside the video "Shallom, Thank you from the bottom of my heart ISRAEL for hosting the 70th edition of Miss Universe in your beautiful country, the Holy Land. It's a pleasure and honor for me to witness the great historic places in Jerusalem and Marvellous hotels in Eilat, can't wait to come back again in Israel, Toda Escape from the sun."

The reaction by Israel haters was quick, and they have been flooding her profile with hostile comments over the past several days.

One user wrote, "free Palestine," and another said, "You spelt Palestine wrong," another wrote. Others resorted to emojis with the Palestinian flag.



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