Miss USA Cheslie Kryst reveals how COVID-19 shaped her reign – Hollywood Life



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Amber Hilton

Before Miss USA Pageant’s Cheslie Kryst took over, the Queen told HL about her reign and changes due to COVID-19.

Chesley Christ Is now the longest Miss USA Pageant in history and holds the crown for 557 days! The reign of a former attorney was extended as the Miss USA Pageant moved in Graceland from June to November 9th, as the coronavirus pandemic continued. You might believe that the era of Chesley as Miss USA was “ruined” because of a pandemic, but the title owners actually call it “thank you” and “whirlwind.” I’m out. Listen to the full podcast here!

“I got this really extended rule, but I was still able to connect with people. I had to connect in another way,” she said in an exclusive podcast interview with. Said in HollywoodLife.. “For example, instead of going face-to-face with a woman who benefited from Dress for Success, I had to discuss resume reviews and interview questions in Zoom, so that’s my rule in an unexpected way. I just changed it. “

Chesley was approaching the end of her time as Miss USA when the pandemic broke out, so she only technically lost a month’s face-to-face opportunity.The· extra A television correspondent brought her talent to Instagram, where she hosted an Instagram Live conversation with fellow influencers and changemakers to talk about what they were doing in the quarantine. She also spent a long time as Miss USA talking about the Black Lives Matter movement and social justice.

“I’ve never dreamed of an era when national title holders of big organizations like Miss USA advocate Black Lives Matter … a pageant organization that says there’s this” unwritten rulebook “for pageants. There are many, not to say that marijuana should be legalized, as it is not to say Black Lives Matter. Even for entertainment, we sometimes don’t tell the judges in interviews and on stage, “Chessley explained. “I think it makes a lot of sense to people, especially the women who follow the pageant. This black woman is not only talking about Black Lives Matter, but also Miss USA, so Miss USA is about it. If I can speak, I can talk about it and at the same time hold the title of the pageant. “

Tonight, 51 state title holders will be on stage in Memphis to compete for the Chessley crown! To watch, pay attention to FYI at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time.

Miss USA Cheslie Kryst reveals how COVID-19 shaped her reign – Hollywood Life



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