Miss USA pageant is at Graceland: Here's how to watch



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Bob Mehr
Memphis Commercial Appeal 

The Miss USA competition is taking the stage in Memphis this year.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, only a limited number of tickets were available to watch the event in-person at Elvis Presley's Graceland complex, but fans can still check out the annual competition from the comfort of their own homes.

After a four-year run on the Fox network (which followed a long association with NBC), the Miss USA competition has a new home this year. Set for Nov. 9, the competition will air on the A+E Networks’ cable channel FYI at 7 p.m. CST.

Locals can expect to see plenty of footage of the Bluff City as part of the broadcast. Prior to the pageant, contestants will take part in various travelogue segments that are expected to promote Memphis, with filmed pieces taking in such iconic locations as the National Civil Rights Museum and Graceland.



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