Miss USA Sarah Summers on her new life in NYC



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Megan Stewart 8:09 AM, May 24, 2018

NEW YORK CITY (KMTV) - The newly-crowned Miss USA Sarah Summers is settling into her new digs in New York City.

The Papillion native is living in an apartment with the current Miss Universe. Summers says she jetted off to NYC the morning after the Miss USA pageant's conclusion Monday night.

Summers says she can see Central Park from her window.

"Being a Nebraska girl born and raised and living in New York City with all the buildings and the concrete and the concrete jungle, as they say, seeing the park right out my window is really comforting," she said.

Summers new life has been a whirlwind of interviews and appearances. She says she's been so busy, there's barely been time to catch up with her loved ones.

But, she is planning to head back to the Husker State in the coming weeks. Summers is hoping to incorporate the College World Series and Nebraska football into her homecoming.

"Stay tuned for when I'm coming home," she said. "I will have an official homecoming hopefully sometime this summer."



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