Miss USA Sarah Summers to present at Meet and Greet



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In this photo provided by The Miss Universe Organization, Sarah Rose Summers, Miss Nebraska USA 2018, is crowned Miss USA and congratulated by fellow contestants at the conclusion of the event on Monday. THE MISS UNIVERSE ORGANIZATION VIA AP

The Miss USA Organization, together with Vanbros and Associates, and Nebraska businessman Charles W. Herbester, will welcome home Miss USA Sarah Summers.

Summers will be in Scottsbluff today, Wednesday, July 18, for a Meet and Greet at the Fairfield Inn and Suites. Summers was crowned Miss USA 2018 in May. She is the first Nebraskan to ever be crowned Miss USA and will represent the U.S. in the Miss Universe Pageant later this year.

Summers is also meeting with the public at other Meet and Greets this week in Lincoln, Kearney, Norfolk and Omaha.



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