Miss USA Visits Union High School



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By KATHY CRYAN Published May 4, 2022 at 8:02 AM

UNION, NJ – Miss USA discussed the importance of confidence, among other important topics, when she visited students and teachers at Union High School on Monday.

Elle Smith, 23, who became Miss USA in November 2021, has partnered with Smile Train to raise funds for children with clefts globally. This year, Smile Train is hosting a “Teacher Appreciation Tour” to "spread smiles and show teachers and schools the appreciation they deserve.”

Union High School social studies teacher Nicholas Ferroni said he has worked with the Smile Train and Miss USA organizations in the past. “Smile Train wanted to do something to celebrate our staff and inspire our students,” he said. Ferroni worked with the organizations to come up with a day of fun activities and “a once in a lifetime experience for students.”

During her visit, Smith held a roundtable discussion with a select group of female students about the power of confidence, giving back, volunteering, and advocating for kindness. She answered questions from the students about her experiences and challenges of being biracial, her high school years, and about how she overcame obstacles. Afterwards, “she had a little fun with our Mr. UHS contestants, and judged their walks, and even had them answer pageant questions in front of their classmates to prep for the contest next Friday,” Ferroni said. Smith then “subbed” for a few teachers while they enjoyed refreshments and goodies, provided by Smile Train, in the teacher’s lounge. “The fact that Elle's mom is a teacher made this day and experience so much more special for her,” Ferroni added.

Smith was born in Springfield, Ohio. She graduated from Shawnee High School in 2016. Smith moved to Lexington, Kentucky and enrolled in the University of Kentucky, graduating with a degree in broadcast journalism with a minor in political science. As Miss USA, Smith represented the United States at Miss Universe 2021 pageant, where she placed in the top ten. Smith moved to Los Angeles.

“The best part of the whole experience was that the photographer for the event was a former Union High School student, and the cakes and desserts that were provided were made by current students,” said Ferroni. “There are so many amazing things going on at this high school, and we have so many talented students, but we often don't hear about these moments and students. So I always try to use my platform to bring attention to all the amazing things that are happening every single day at Union High School and at our schools.”



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