Miss Vietnam 2020 suffers postponement due to COVID-19



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Tuesday, 08/04/2020, 18:00

VOV.VN - The upcoming Miss Vietnam 2020 pageant has been forced to be delayed as a result of the complicated nature of developments relating to COVID-19 epidemic in the country, according to organisers of the event.

miss vietnam 2020 suffers postponement due to covid-19 hinh 0
The qualifying round had previously been scheduled to take place in August, although following the postponement a new date will be announced at a later time.

The decision made by organisers aims to follow directions set by the government and localities with regard to measures on COVID-19 prevention and control.

In addition, it also shows the responsibility and respect organisers have towards the community, Le Xuan Son, editor-in-chief of Tien Phong (Vanguard) Newspaper and head of the organising board said.

In line with the rescheduling, the time to complete the online registration process will be open longer than the original plan. For example, in the northern region contestants will now have until October 26 instead of August 29 to fill out the online registration.

Moreover, contestants in the southern region will have a new deadline of September 25 as opposed to August 7 as had been previously been planned.

The Miss Vietnam 2020 beauty pageant is a prestigious contest open to all female Vietnamese citizens aged between 18 and 27. Furthermore, a number of sub-titles will also be awarded throughout the competition, such as Miss Sea, Miss Fashion, and Miss Talent.

The winner of the Miss Vietnam 2020 pageant will receive a crown and a cash prize worth VND500 million. Those who finish as first and second runners-up will be given VND300 million and VND250 million, respectively.

Recent years have seen notable contestants such as Tran Tieu Vy, Miss Vietnam 2018, go on to finish in the Top 30 of Miss World the same year, whilst she has also made great contributions to charity activities in recent years.



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