Miss Vietnam 2020’s semi-final slated for October 10



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The semi-final of the Miss Vietnam 2020 biennial national beauty pageant will take place on October 10 in Hanoi, heard a press conference in the capital city.

VNA Thursday, October 08, 2020 21:09

Contestants at the Miss Vietnam 2020 (Photo: tienphong.vn)

Hanoi (VNA) – The semi-final of the Miss Vietnam 2020 biennial national beauty pageant will take place on October 10 in Hanoi, heard a press conference in the capital city.

The event will honour Vietnam’s recent achievements, particularly the country’s success in containing the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the organisers.

The organisers said the number of contestants this year surged compared to the previous edition, with nearly 400 selected to participate in the preliminaries in the southern and northern regions, which wrapped up at the end of September.

Sixty contestants have qualified for the semi-final, including three of ethnic minority groups.

The contest was previously suspended over concerns about COVID-19.

Returning in the “new normal” situation, Miss Vietnam 2020 has many changes in the format with many online activities attracting the attention of the audiences and contestants, such as the Home Sweet Home for contestants sharing photos and videos of themselves at home during the social distancing period; the Miss Vietnam 2020 Talkshow Series with the guests who are the runners-up, singers, supermodels and v-loggers to discuss various topics of public concern.

In addition to the conventional contesting content, in the context of COVID-19 pandemic prevention, Miss Vietnam 2020 aims at public health activities, volunteer projects with high practicality in disease prevention and health improvement for the community.

Especially, the title of Tourist Beauty will be a focus, with the aim to contribute to stimulating domestic tourism after a long period affected by the COVID-19 pandemic./.



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