Miss Vietnam donates 2.2 million peso-prize from sponsors to charitable causes



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Miss Universe Vietnam page says she wants to complete her promise with her village to provide scholarships.

Twitter: @kristhoff_cgp

Miss Vietnam H'Hen Niê continues to make headlines even after the Miss Universe pageant because of her inspiring charitable efforts.

The beauty queen has once again proven that she does not only have a beautiful face but also a big heart after she donated her earnings from sponsors amounting to VND 1 billion or Php 2.2 million to her social causes.

"She's decided to donate 100% of her prize for social activities. She wants to complete her promise with her village to provide scholarships for poor students and complete her social project 'Room to Read' (build more libraries in rural areas, support schoolgirls around the world)," the official Instagram page of Miss Universe Vietnam posted on December 19.

H'Hen made history by placing 5th in the Miss Universe pageant held in Thailand on December 17.



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