Miss Virginia visits Atkins Elementary



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Linda Burchette | Smyth County News & Messenger Feb 11, 2022 

Miss Virginia Tatum Sheppard let a student at Atkins Elementary try on her sash during a visit to the school. Linda Burchette | Smyth County News & Messenger

Students at Atkins Elementary School were treated to a visit from Miss Virginia Tatum Sheppard last week.

Sheppard visits schools around the state to talk about making good choices in health and life.

“My presentation includes things that are safe and healthy for us (nutrition and exercise), what positive choices are (setting goals), how to say ‘no’ to unhealthy choices (substance abuse), what a leader is, and who our trusted adults are,” Sheppard said. “To be a leader you often have to know a leader. I advocate for mentoring, and I teach them how to look for the role models in their life that can help them live a healthy and positive lifestyle. One day they will be able to do the same for someone else.”

The Miss Virginia School Tour is a free program to elementary schools provided through a grant awarded to the Miss Virginia Organization by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority. During visits, each student receives a Health and Safety Activity Book that reinforces the school tour learning objectives and the Virginia Department of Education substance use prevention Standards of Learning.

Miss Virginia came in response to a request from Sgt. Michael Lowe, a School Resource Officer and D.A.R.E. Officer with the Smyth County Sheriff’s Office.

“I received a flyer from the Virginia ABC Authority that funds travel expenses for Miss Virginia to visit schools to speak to students,” Lowe said. “And I thought, why not run this by Principal Gary Roberts and he said, ‘Absolutely!’”

Roberts was pleased with the visit and the response from the students.

“We were fortunate to have her here,” he said. “She had such a positive message when she came. It paralleled our D.A.R.E. program. It was just a wonderful program and Miss Virginia was so down to earth with the students. She got good questions from them.”

Roberts said the younger children talked about their grandparents and other adults they trust. Miss Virginia talked to them about prescription drugs and to only take them from trusted adults, to say no to drugs and alcohol and to have positive attitudes.”

“It was just a good, positive message for the kids,” he said.

Sgt. Lowe agreed that Miss Virginia’s message compliments the county’s D.A.R.E. program.

The D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program is taught to fifth graders usually by the SROs.

“She talks to students about healthy choices and leadership among students and the community, substance abuse prevention and positive attitudes,” Lowe said of Miss Virginia. “It was a very positive message she presented. She had different presentations depending on the age group. She talked to grades K-2 and 3-5. And she visited the preschool classrooms.”

Lowe said this is his third year as SRO at Atkins Elementary. “I love it,” he said. “It’s very rewarding, the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done in my career.”

Atkins Elementary SRO Sgt. Michael Lowe poses with Miss Virginia Tatum Sheppard. Submitted Photo

Liberty University graduate Tatum Sheppard is the current Miss Virginia, a native of Milan, Tennessee.

As part of the responsibilities of her reign leading up to the Miss America 2022 competition in December 2021, Sheppard went on an ABC School Tour, traveling to 70 different schools in the fall promoting her social impact initiative Mentoring Matters through the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. During the tour, she also talked to students about drug and alcohol abuse prevention.

Sheppard was involved in the organization as a big sister in high school and college. She said she understands the impact a mentor can have and is grateful that she attended a university with a longstanding tradition of service.

Sheppard earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre from Liberty in 2020 and also worked as a tour guide at the Hancock Welcome Center — both areas that proved to be training grounds for her success in the Miss Virginia pageant.

In addition to her training at Liberty, Sheppard said she was taught by the best mentor she could have: her mother Kellye Cash Sheppard, who was crowned Miss America in 1987. Miss Virginia competes for Miss America. Miss Virginia USA competes for Miss USA.

“I loved spending time with the students and giving them a new perspective on different career paths, academic possibilities, and how to achieve their big dreams,” Sheppard said of her visit to Atkins Elementary. “The students were kind and hungry to learn. I came to encourage, but honestly Sgt. Lowe along with the teachers and faculty of Atkins Elementary left me feeling very encouraged and thankful to meet such a tight knit community. As the daughter of a school teacher, I know it's the adults that are with these kids every single day that are truly making an impact. I feel blessed to come alongside what they are already instilling in their students.”

Schools can book Miss Virginia by going to https://www.abc.virginia.gov/education/programs/miss-va.



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