Miss Virginia visits Carroll County Fair Beauty Pageant



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Miss Carroll County Fair Zoë Belle Lowe (left) is joined onstage at the Miss Carroll County Fair Beauty Pageant by Miss Virginia 2018 Emily McPhail on August 18 at Carroll County High School. 

August 29, 2018 Carroll News 

By Allen Worrell - aworrell@thecarrollnews.com

Photos by Andrea McKenzie Miss Carroll County Fair 2018 Beauty Pageant winners are Elegant Ms. Carroll County Fair - Lyndsey Eastridge; Miss Carroll County Fair - Zoë Belle Lowe; Teen Miss Carroll County Fair – Serena Corwin; Pre-teen Miss Carroll County Fair - Carly Wright; Petite Miss Carroll County Fair - Alisha Justice; Young Miss Carroll County Fair - Brooklyn Ayers; Mini Miss Carroll County Fair - Lexi Underwood; Toddler Miss Carroll County Fair - Arabella Hawks; Wee Miss Carroll County Fair - Bella Bright; Baby Miss Carroll County Fair - Makienzie Dalton. -

Contestants in this year’s Miss Carroll County Fair Beauty Pageant were in for a special treat on August 18.

Prior to the pageant, which is part of the Carroll County Agricultural Fair, Emili McPhail, Miss Virginia 2018 visited with Carroll County pageant hopefuls. Kristina Delp, organizer of the local beauty pageant, coordinated the visit.

“She just won Miss Virginia the third weekend in June. And being in pageantry with my daughter, I wanted to start a tradition by having Miss Virginia come to our pageant so these little girls would be able to meet Miss Virginia and get to know who she is before she goes onstage to compete for Miss America in three weeks,” Delp said. “This is the first time we have had Miss Virginia come to our pageant and hopefully it will be a long standing tradition.”

Delp said all the Carroll County pageant contestants were very excited to meet McPhail. She said Miss Virginia took time to talk to all the girls who wanted to meet to her and answer their questions. Also for the first time this year, Delp said Miss Carroll County Fair winner Zoë Belle Lowe will compete at the Miss Virginia Association of Fairs Pageant the first weekend of January 2019.

“She will be representing Carroll County on a state level,” Delp said. “This will be the first time Carroll County will be sending a queen to this pageant.”

Allen Worrell can be reached at (276) 779-4062 or on Twitter@AWorrellTCN



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