Miss World Grand Bahama District Beauty Pageant crowns 2018 Miss World Grand Bahama Delegate



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By Brooke Grant
Mar 19, 2018 - 12:38:48 PM

(pictured from left) Faye Beneby- Co-chair, Miss World Grand Bahama District Committee; Destiny McPhee - 2nd Runner up; Ashley Colebrooke, 3rd Runner up; Serena Greene, Miss World Grand Bahama 2018; Caitlyn Walker, 1st Runner up; Brooke Grant, District Director, Miss World Grand Bahama District Committee; Jerell Strachan, Miss World Grand Bahama 2017 Photo Credit: Marv Humes

Freeport, Grand Bahama - On Sunday, March 11th, 2018, the Miss World Grand Bahama District Committee held its inaugural Miss World Grand Bahama Beauty Pageant under the theme, “Crowned with Grace… Gems of Grand Bahama” at the Grand Lucayan Resort.

The beauty pageant was a first for the newly formed committee, which is headed by District Director, Brooke Grant, under the Miss Bahamas Organization.

The event showcased four stunning contestants who competed in swimsuit, evening gown, judges interview and Q&A segments, which all weighed in on the final outcome to determine the winner and runners up.

Caitlyn Walker- 1st Runner up. Photo: Marv Humes

Capturing the crown, best judges interview and best in evening gown at the inaugural event was 23 year old, Serena Greene, followed by 1st runner up - 17 year old Caitlyn Walker who also won the popularity award, 2nd runner up - 19 year old, Destiny McPhee, who secured the best in swimsuit and 3rd runner up – 19 year old Ashley Colebrooke.

Brooke Grant shared that “For the past 12 months, my committee, lead locally by Co-chair, Mrs. Faye Beneby, and I have worked tirelessly to create a program and a sub-culture within the pageant community to showcase the natural beauties that make this island the grand place that we all know it to be.”

“We are excited to have had such a stunning representative at last year’s national pageant and are very confident in what our newly crowned representative, Serena Greene, will bring to the big stage” said Grant.

When asked about her experience in the Miss World Grand Bahama Beauty Pageant, Greene said, “It was incredible!”

Ashley Colebrooke - 3rd Runner up. Photo: Marv Humes

“I went into the pageant not knowing anyone and feeling shy, however this process helped me to see that beauty comes in all forms and I appreciate that because I was able to see not only the beauty within myself but in others a well”, said Greene.

Speaking from her personal experience, Greene said that she would strongly recommend that more young women enter the competition next year, as it is an experience that can greatly compliment who you are as an individual.

She added that, “I went into the competition wanting to fulfill a dream and gain a better understanding of myself, which I was able to achieve.”

According to Grant, with the competition serving as an official preliminary to the Miss Bahamas 2018 Beauty Pageant in New Providence, it was important for the organization to give promising young ladies the opportunity to fairly compete and present their platforms to a diverse selection of judges from fields including, pageantry, marketing, branding, fitness, fashion and beauty to determine who would be the strongest competitor at the national level.

Greene shared that it is important for her to be a positive influence to all Bahamians, especially young women.

Best In swimsuit - Destiny McPhee. Photo: Marv Humes

Her platform is Youth Leadership Development & Empowerment and with this she expressed that volunteerism is a huge area of importance for her in accomplishing this effort.

Presently Greene volunteers with the Save the Bays organization, St. Paul’s Methodist College and St. George’s High School, where she assists students to bringing out the leaders within themselves while helping them to chart the course to good success within their future careers.

To follow, support or sponsor Miss World Grand Bahama 2018, Serena Greene, in her journey to the crown at the 2018 Miss Bahamas Beauty competition visit the Miss World Grand Bahama Facebook page or email the committee at missworldgrandbahama@gmail.com.

Serena Greene, Miss World Grand Bahama 2018. Photo: Marv Humes

The Miss World Grand Bahama District Committee extends a special thank you to all sponsors including: Kosha Ltd., Imagine Graphics and Printing, The Grand Bahama Power Company, The Fitness Connection, Kevin G. Tomlinson Academy, Benjamin Ferguson Jr., Autumn Crop, Raquel Beneby – Heart, Taino Beach Resort, Bowe Magic, H2 Audio and Lighting, Bullseye Car Rentals, Simple Favors, Beauty Call by Kay, Gifted Handz Full Service Salon, Island Dreams Management, Marvelous Creations, Simply The Best, Bahamas Golden Harvest and Sanitation Services.

About Miss World Grand Bahama

The Miss World Grand Bahama District Committee, a branch of the Miss Bahamas Organization® is a young but vibrant organization that remains committed to teaching young Grand Bahamian women what it truly means to not only be a beauty queen, but what it means to be Crowned with Grace.

Photo: Marv Humes



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