Miss World Guyana seeking contestants for this year’s pageant



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By Staff Writer 

The Miss World Guyana Organization is seeking contestants of Guyanese descent for this year’s Miss World Guyana pageant, where one lucky young woman will be crowned queen and go on to represent Guyana at the international leg.

Majesty International, the national franchise of the Miss World national competition spearheaded by Natasha Martindale will be conducting casting calls on March 17. Ten or more viable applicants per location are expected to pass the Miss World Guyana prescreening application and personality test via the website before being requested to attend a casting call event closest to them.

Since Majesty International took up the franchise, this year will be its seventh edition of the competition. The organization seeks to promote young women with diverse talents and abilities and work on enhancing their confidence, communication, social skills and personal attributes that will assist throughout life’s journey. In addition to this the Miss World Guyana Competition will nurture strong values, encourage community involvement and focus on making these women the best role models they can be.

Being involved in such a highly-esteemed competition, the women will not only gain valuable experience and develop skills in interview, public speaking, interpersonal communication and social interaction among others but will too discover new talents and interests, uncover new opportunities, forge lifelong relationships, learn to become team players, learn time management, foster a positive mindset and become a leader in whatever they set out to do.

Over the years Guyana has been represented by exquisite and eloquent women, some of whom have made their mark on the world. Making this list are Umblita Van Sluytman who finished as a semi-finalist in 1966, Pamela Patricia Lord – third runner-up in 1969, Jennifer Diana Wong – top 10 in 1970, Nalini Moonsar – third runner-up in 1971, Shakira Baksh (Caine) – second runner-up in 1977, Adrienne Harris – fifth runner-up in 1978, Kaierouann Imarah Radix – talent top 22 in 2009, Aletha Shepherd – sports semifinalist in 2010, Arti Cameron – sports finalist in 2012, Ruqayyah Boyer – beach beauty semifinalist and talent quarterfinalist in 2013, Rafieya Husain – top 10 in beauty with a purpose and continental queen of the Caribbean in 2014, Lisa Punch – top 10 in talent and beauty with a purpose and top 5 in multimedia in 2015, Nuriyyih Gerrard – beauty with a purpose quarterfinalist in 2016) and Ambika Ramraj – talent finalist and beauty with a purpose semifinalist in 2018.

Candidates must meet the following requirements:

– Be between the ages 17 and 26

– Be a Guyanese through birth, heritage or naturalization

– Meet character criteria as set forth by the Miss World Organization

– Be in reasonably good health and sound mind

– Be able to meet the terms and conditions, time commitment and title responsibilities as set forth by the local and international competitions

– Be an unwed woman who has never been married/carried a child or whose status is not/never was classified as wife or mother

The national competition will consist of multiple categories: debate, sports/fitness, talent, multimedia, modelling and community-based challenges.

Ambika will crown her successor on May 26, and that young woman will then go on to represent Guyana in December. Miss World Guyana 2019 will win a multimillion-dollar package fit for a queen.

Interested applicants can apply online at http://www.missworldguyana.gy, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MissWorldGuyanaAnnualCoronation or directly at this link https://form.jotform.com/missworldguyana/miss-guyana-2019-semi-finalist-entr



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