Miss World Laos gives up crown due to age controversy



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Published April 6, 2021, 11:27 AM by Robert Requintina

Souphavady Phongsavanh (Photo by The Laotian Times)

Souphavady Phongsavanh has surrendered the crown of Miss World Laos 2021 after she allegedly misrepresented her age in the pageant.

The Laotian beauty queen made an announcement on Facebook.

“I, Souphavandy Phongsavanh, Miss World Laos 2021, surrender my title as of today as I am unable to hold my position. I am unavailable to respond to questions at this time.”

“I apologize to the contest management and panel of judges who had entrusted this title to me. I thank all the people who sent me messages of support.”

Moments after Souphavady was crowned, a government-issued ID leaked on social media which showed that the beauty queen was actually 30 years old, not 26 years old as reported.

Organizers are expected to announce the new winner soon.

The Miss World 2021 beauty pageant will be held in Puerto Rico in December.



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