Miss World pageant returns to London



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July 3, 2019 Chronicle Staff

The Miss World pageant will return to its home in London this year with 130 countries including Gibraltar lined up for the show.

The location marks a change from previous years where the pageant was regularly held in China.

Gibraltar will be represented at the three week long pageant by Miss Gibraltar 2019 Celine Bolaños.

For Miss Bolaños the location change means the pageant will be closer to home.

“I’m actually really excited that it’s in London, it means more of my friends and family have the opportunity to fly out and watch me,” said Miss Bolaños.

“I would love to have them all there giving me their support.”

The world’s largest annual international event returns to London for its 69th year.

The Miss World Organisation, led by Chairman and CEO Julia Morley, announced the pageants return to London for its 69th year.

Contestants will arrive in London on November 20 with the grand final taking place on Saturday, December 14 at ExCeL London.

The opening ceremony will be held in London, each contestant will then compete in a series of fast track events that guarantee a place in the top 30.

These include Multimedia, Sport, Talent, Top model, Head to Head Challenge and Beauty With A Purpose, taking them on a journey across some of the London’s most iconic landmarks taking in its rich culture and heritage.

“London is the greatest city in the world to visit,” said Ms Morley.

“It’s where Miss World started in 1951 as part of the Festival of Britain celebrations and this year, we are going to put on the best show ever.”

“Each year we bring together women from around the world with a shared sense of purpose. For many of them this will be their first visit to London, and they are all so excited.”

“They can’t wait to share their traditions, the music they enjoy, the food they eat and the astonishing range of ‘Beauty With A Purpose’ charitable projects they are working on.”

The ‘Beauty With A Purpose’ global humanitarian programme is at the heart of Miss World.

“This global platform inspires and empowers thousands of young women from around the world to use their talents to raise awareness and funds in aid of humanitarian causes that make real and lasting tangible differences to the poor, sick and disadvantaged,” said the Miss World organisers in a statement.

The Miss World Festival will be held in Thailand in 2020 to celebrate Miss World’s 70th year.

Thailand will be working very closely in London with the pageant organisers to share the London experience. Full details of our 2020 celebrations will be announced shortly.

The highly-anticipated Miss World final show will be broadcast globally to over 150 countries, where viewers will watch as the reigning Miss World, Vanessa Ponce de León, pass the crown to the 69th Miss World in London.

More details about the festival and final will be released in the coming months.



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