Miss World PH 2019 contestant reveals she has alopecia areata



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By: Stephanie Marie Bernardino

Updated August 28, 2019, 9:08 AM

Model-actress Kelley Day surprised netizens by revealing she’s been suffering from alopecia areata for months now.

The condition is a sudden loss of hair especially of the scalp or face in circumscribed patches with little or no inflammation.

The 22-year-old talent talked about it in her intro video as candidate #24 for the Miss World Philippines. The clip was uploaded on the pageant’s Facebook page.

Kelley brought up the topic while sharing her advocacy to “raise consciousness for autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis and alopecia.”

Turning emotional, she admitted it was the first time she opened up about her condition, which started last year.

“Only a couple of weeks ago have I started treating it properly because I had so much fear and embarrassment about it especially in my line of work where I always get my hair styled, people take photos of me all the time,” she shared.

Through her advocacy, Kelley hopes people would know “it’s okay” to be open about it without shame.

“I want people to know how to deal with it properly. With my story I want everyone to feel encouraged to be open about who they are. I want people to see that no one is perfect, really, no one is perfect.”

On a lighter note, Kelley shared other facts about herself as never wearing matching socks and how she ended up in the Philippines.
The young lady graduated from high school in Dubai at age 18.

“When I came here I kinda decided to take the creative route and go for my passion in modeling and that turned into a showbiz career,” the Tarlac City representative related.

Miss World Philippines Katarina Rodriguez will crown her successor on Sept. 15 at the Araneta Coliseum.



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