Miss World PH 2022 Gwendolyne Fourniol shares her pageant journey



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By Ron Lim Published On: June 9, 2022, 02:05 PM

Gwendolyne Fourniol reveals that the journey to the Miss World Philippines crown was a 'rollercoaster.'

It's been a few days since Gwendolyne Fourniol emerged victorious in the Miss World Philippines 2022 pageant, and now the newly crowned queen has had a chance to look back on her pageant journey.

In several posts on her Instagram account, Gwendolyne shared the long journey she took to get to where she is now, starting from her school days in England where she had to work four jobs so she could be independent. She also looked back at her first attempt at the Miss World Philippines crown, where she ended up in the Top 15. She also shared her surprise at seeing her mother and brother in the audience during the pageant.

She also shared that the next six months will be spent preparing for the Miss World 2022 pageant and will be “filled with growth, learning and my sweat and tears.”

In another post, Gwendolyne also went down the list of people that helped her win the crown, from her management team to her hair and makeup team.

Aside from Gwendolyne, six other contestants were crowned at the coronation night at the SM Mall of Asia Arena.

Cassandra Bermeo Chan was named Miss World Philippines Charity and second princess, while Miss World Philippines Tourism went to Justine Beatrice Felizarta. The Miss Eco Teen Philippines crown was given to Beatriz McLelland, while Maria Ingrid Santamaria was named Miss Reina Hispanoamerica. Miss Eco Philippines went to Ashley Subijano Montenegro, while Miss Supranational Philippines was awarded to Alison Black.

Gwendolyne Fourniol triumphed over 36 other candidates and was also awarded Best in Evening Gown and winner of the Beach Body competition.

Check out the shots from the Miss World Philippines 2022 winners in the gallery below.



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