Miss World PH announces Top 10 finalists of sports challenge



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Posted at Aug 12 2021 01:18 PM | Updated as of Aug 12 2021 01:19 PM

MANILA -- Miss World Philippines on Wednesday announced the 10 candidates who made it to the final round of its sports challenge.

The pre-pageant competition was held last month at the Tyro Sorta Shooting Range in San Simon, Pampanga.

The Top 10 finalists include Emmanuelle Vera, Michelle Arceo, Dannah Tempra, Asha Gutierrez, Danica Dilla, Julie Tarrayo, Riana Pangindian, Mary Rose Guiral, Kathleen Paton, and Danielle Mayo.

The winner of the sports challenge will be an automatic semi-finalist in the Miss World Philippines 2021 coronation night.

Miss World Philippines 2021 has been postponed "until further notice" as Metro Manila was placed under stricter quarantine measures this August.

Forty-four ladies are vying for the opportunity to represent the Philippines in international pageants such as Miss World and Reina Hispanoamericana.

Dindi Pajares, who is part of this year's batch, has been voted by her fellow candidates to compete in Miss Supranational 2021 on August 21.



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