Miss World PH reveals Top Model finalists



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By Nika Roque September 7, 2021

Miss World Philippines revealed the competition's Top Model finalists on social media Tuesday evening. Ten in total, they were chosen during a Gala Charity Night held back in July in Okada Manila and will automatically proceed to the semi-finalist circle on the pageant's coronation night.

The 10 Top Model finalists are Janelle Lewis, Emmanuelle Vera, Michelle Arceo, Asha Gutierrez, Dindi Pajares, Andrea Sulangi, Trisha Martinez, Tracy Perez, Kathleen Paton, and Ganiel Krishnan.

Postponed twice already due to community quarantines, the 2021 Miss World Philippines coronation night will finally be held on September 19 at SMX Olongapo City Convention Center.

Besides the main title, the candidates can also win the crowns for Miss Eco International, Miss Multinational, Reina Hispanoamericana, Miss Tourism, Miss Eco Teen International, and Miss Environment International.



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