Miss World Philippines 2019 winners reveal secret talent at pictionary



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Published September 23, 2019 11:13am

The dazzling winners of Miss World Philippines 2019 pageant played a game of upside-down pictionary with the Unang Hirit barkada on Monday, revealing their surprising knack at the game.

And reigning Miss World Philippines Michelle Dee, in particular did not disappoint as she led her team to victory.

Her teammates, Miss Tourism Philippines 2019 Glyssa Perez, Miss World Philippines 2019 2nd princess Casie Banks, and GMA News' Susan Enriquez, guessed almost all the movie titles that Dee plucked from a bowl.

For the films "The Notebook" and "Kung Fu Panda," Dee had barely finished her illustrations when Banks came up with the answers.

Perez also scored a point for guessing "Jurassic Park," but the clock struck out before they could solve the last drawing, which was for the movie "RoboCop."

Meanwhile, Reina Hispanoamericana Filipinas 2019 Katrina Llegado and Miss Eco Philippines 2019 Kelley Day, who were teamed up with Unang Hirit host Luane Dy and GMA News reporter Mariz Umali got one answer right, which was "Avengers."

Dee will be representing the Philippines in the global Miss World pageant in London this coming December.

Llegado is also preparing for the international Reina Hispanoamericana pageant to be held in Bolivia in November. — Margaret Claire Layug/LA, GMA News



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