Miss World SA makes it to the top 30 finalists



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Twenty-six-year-old Thulisa Keyi from Mdantsane outside East London represented South Africa at the Miss World pageant in China, and made it to the top 30 finalists.
3 hours ago

Thulisa Keyi has done young women in South Africa proud by making it to the top 30 finalists in the Miss World pageant on December 8.

The young lady competed against contestants from 117 other countries in the competition. Miss Mexico Vanessa Ponce de Leon was crowned as Miss World 2018. The pageant was watched live by a global audience of more than one billion.

In the build-up to the finale, Keyi won the Miss World Designer Award (shared with the People’s Republic of China) and placed in the top five for Miss World Top Model.

Claudia Henkel, group PR manager for Sun International, said: “We are incredibly proud of Thulisa. She worked really hard in the build-up to Miss World and we are delighted that she made the top 30.”

The 68th Miss World competition took place at the Crown of Beauty Theatre in Sanya, China (People’s Republic of China).

It was something of an African affair – former Miss South Africa and Miss World 2014 Rolene Strauss was one of the judges, while Zimbabwean-born Donel Mangena, who was a Voice UK finalist and in South Africa earlier this year courtesy of ITV Choice, performed live at the pageant. Miss Uganda Quinn Abenakyo was named Miss World Africa and was placed in the top five.

Keyi was crowned Miss World South Africa 2018 at the Miss South Africa pageant in May this year. At the time of taking the title, Keyi was doing her articles at a large auditing firm and planned to become a chartered accountant. She is a BComm Accounting and PGDA graduate from the University of Cape Town. Keyi had never entered such a pageant before but was a professional model for five years while completing her university studies.

Miss South Africa 2018 Tamaryn Green will take part in the 67th Miss Universe pageant on December 17 in Bangkok, Thailand.



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