Miss World SA taking on the world



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One of Mzansi’s finest beauty queens has set her sights on raising the South African flag high and taking on the world.

Miss World SA, Thulisa Keyi, who hails from Mdantsane in the Eastern Cape, leaves on Wednesday for the 68th Miss World 2018 pageant in Sanya, China.

At her send-off party in Pretoria, Keyi explained what it means to hold the Miss World SA title: giving back to the community and making an impact in the world.
“I got the opportunity to go to Mvezo in the Eastern Cape with the current reigning Miss World. I got to see first-hand the work that we are expected to do and that is where I was inspired.

“I truly believe that I am in the right path and want to travel all over (the world) making a difference in communities like mine. I also want to see my own people in the Eastern Cape being impacted I want to be an advocate for such and a driver of change,” said the 26-year-old.

Keyi was crowned Miss World SA in May - the same time she was completing her articles at one of the big four audit firms. She has a BCom (accounting) and post-graduate diploma in accounting from UCT.

“Participating in this competition is an honour for me. I get to represent South Africa on the world stage at a time when the world is looking at us as we celebrate Tata Madiba’s centenary year.”

Keyi believes she has the attributes to go all the way and take the crown.
“My greatest strength lies in my voice and what I use it for. My story is that of a resilient but kind, strong but compassionate woman.”

The Sunday Independent



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