Miss World sex shock: Host city exposed as escort girl ‘sexcursion paradise’



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THE final of Miss World is taking place today in Sanya, China – but the host city has been exposed as a not-so-innocent “sexcursion” destination.

By Douglas Patient / Published 17th November 2017

SHOCK: The Miss World host city of Sanya, China, has a seedy underbelly
The oldest running beauty pageant is known for its whiter-than-white reputation with the tagline “beauty with a purpose”.

Winners famously champion charity and world peace.

But little do they know the city of Sanya – hosting its second finals in three years at midday UK time – also hosts a seedy underbelly.

It’s on the southern-most tip of China on the island province of Hainan and – like the rest of the mainland – prostitution is illegal there.

But internet forums for sex tourists reveal the city has “red light districts”.

It's also claimed to have numerous brothels masquerading as spas and massage shops.

One said in an online forum: “There are plenty of girls on the beach. You do not have to look for them.

“They will find you and surround you like a flock of bees. The short time rate is 200 Chinese Yuan (£23) in both Sanya and Haikou. Sanya is a very beautiful resort.

“Where else in the world would you find tens of beautiful girls in evening gowns walking on the beach after the sunset? The place is certainly worth a visit.”

CITY: Sanya is a top tourist destination in southern China

This also comes as a beauty pageant queen suffered an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction on live TV.

Sex tourism is big business in Asia with Pattaya in nearby Thailand dubbed the "sex capital of the world".

And it also is in China too – according to an online forum around one million full-time prostitutes operate in the country.

Another blogger described Hainan island as a “paradise” for sex.

They said it had an “open door policy” to prostitution.

He wrote: “As a result of this, many hookers go to this island to look for their fortune, the flow of hookers from every corner of mainland China makes this island a paradise for ‘sexcursion’.

“Men go to Hainan for the following reasons: A variety of girls with the lowest price in China. No harassment by cops or inspectors. Lodgings are cheap; how about a 3-4 star hotel for $20-$40 (£15-£30)?”

Another reassured his fellow sex tourists that despite a “small crackdown” they shouldn’t worry about being disturbed.

He wrote: “Police are currently doing a small crackdown, but it won't last long, it never does.”

Sanya isn’t short of a sex scandal either.

Back in 2014, The Shanghai Daily wrote an eye-popping report on a sex and drug party that occurred in Sanya during a yacht show.

The party allegedly involved high-profile Chinese celebs and models who engaged in mass paid orgies, with one model earning 600,000 Chinese Yuan (£68,800) over three evenings, and over 2,000 condoms being used.

The event's organiser denied the allegations at the time.



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