Miss World TT winner to get $500,000 in cash and prizes



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by ANISTO ALVES Mon Aug 22 2022

Miss World TT 2019 TyaJane Ramey, left, Miss World TT 2012 Athaliah Samuel, Miss World TT 2015 Kimberly Farrah, Miss World franchise holder Charu Lochan Dass, Miss World 1986 Giselle Laronde West, Miss World TT 2021 Jeanine Brandt, Miss World T&T Co-Director Phaedra Adele and Miss World TT 2014 Sarah Jane Waddell pose for a photo during the launch of the Miss World 2022 held at the Brix Hotel, St Ann's, Port-of-Spain on August 3.

The finalist of the Miss World Trinidad and Tobago Pageant will receive over TT$500,000 in cash and prizes," according to Charu Lochan Dass, fashion designer, new Franchise Holder and National Pageant Director of the Miss World Trinidad and Tobago Pageant.

Since taking over the franchise, Charu Lochan Dass alongside the Organising Volunteer Management Committee have been collaborating with corporate sponsors to secure the sponsorship of cash and prizes for the local and international pageantry in order to ensure Miss World Trinidad and Tobago Pageant is kept in the national spotlight.

“This year we celebrate a milestone of 60 years of Independence. This pageant is so much more than a competition. It is about national service and instilling a sense of pride and patriotism in our young girls. We love this country, and as citizens we are proud of how far we have come. As such, we have relied on the goodwill of our corporate sponsors and we are pleased to announce that for the first time ever, our Miss World Trinidad and Tobago delegate will receive over TT$500,000 in cash and prizes,” remarked Lochan Dass.

"West Bees Supermarket is contributing TT$100,000 in cash to the winner. The School of Accounting and Management (SAMS Caribbean Ltd) will give a scholarship worth TT$10,000. Kalloo’s Auto Rentals will provide an executive chauffeured service to major events year round worth over TT$50,000, with various local designers donating a full wardrobe and accessories with over TT$200,0000 in exquisite gowns and signature pieces for the finals. The winner will also receive a front-line Carnival costume and beauty products for a year.

Plans are also in the making for a job placement programme for the crowned winner, which will allow her to represent Trinidad and Tobago year round, and not just at the international event. She will become a face, a representative for all our people in the global space," said Lochan Dass.

The Miss World T&T representative will also undergo training in modeling, speech, media, fitness, nutrition, protocol, dining etiquette and beauty from a host of top local coaches and mentors.

“We have partnered with D. Rampersad & Company for the Talent competition, and Salon Essentials will sponsor the Miss Photogenic prize. Both Tribe Carnival and Signature Collection have agreed to sponsor prizes to the top three girls. We are currently identifying sponsors for other categories, including Fitness, Congeniality, and Top Model. Toyota Trinidad & Tobago Limited has also committed support to the venture", she added.

The coveted Miss World T&T Beauty with a Purpose (BWAP) segment will get support from a Gala Charity Dinner, which is expected to generate funding for a national year long project to support humanitarian work in local communities. The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, through Tourism Trinidad Limited (TTL) will also be partnering with the local franchise.

This year is expected to be one of the biggest events yet, with the local finals carded for November 6th 2022 at the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA). Guardian Media Limited (GML), as the Exclusive Media sponsor, has agreed to carry the finals live on CNC3.

Lochan Dass added, "We already have a number of exclusive sponsors like Flower Bar, Sacha Cosmetics, Lollabees, Fitness Centre, Kooties, The BRIX and others. Many top photographers and content developers such as Millennial Management, a young enterprising group, are designing the virtual experience."

The next phase of the competition continues on Sunday 28th August with Screening at The Brix Autograph Collection, with a casting call currently in progress. Girls between the ages 18 to 25 years are encouraged to apply, where the top 15 will be chosen to go through two months of fitness, speech, modeling and other training regimes before the finalist will be crowned.



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