Moms, married women in Miss Universe? Here's what Catriona Gray thinks


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ABS-CBN News Posted at Sep 02 2022 04:07 PM

Catriona Gray was recently asked to share her thoughts about the reported inclusion of mothers and married women in Miss Universe.

Speaking with reporters on the Preview Ball pink carpet, the Miss Universe 2018 titleholder called the rumored move as "a step towards inclusivity."

"I think it's really timely to allow women in whatever capacity to go after the dream of being a Miss Universe," she said.

"I've always believed that it's a platform to represent something -- we go out there not as a desirable image, but to have a voice and to be able to amplify that. And why should being married or being a mother limit women from being able to do that, being a spokesperson?" she asked.

And while she is supportive of the idea, Gray acknowledged that it would be a challenge for a mother or married woman to balance her current role with the responsibilities of being a Miss Universe.

"However, I do see that it would be difficult for a young mother with young children to balance the responsibility, the schedule that comes with being a Miss Universe. I've done it for a year and it's a grueling schedule," she said. "It pulls you to different corners of the world and you don't really have a say where your schedule takes you."

"So I think in that aspect, it would be quite difficult to balance. But hopefully, with that opening up of those inclusive measures at Miss Universe, they'd hopefully give either guidelines or things to protect interests of women and allow her to be with her family and also to her responsibilities as a Miss Universe," she added.

Pageant websites reported earlier this year that Miss Universe is allowing women who are single mothers, pregnant, married, or divorced to compete in the international pageant.

An official statement has yet to be released by the Miss Universe Organization as of writing.

Meanwhile, Gray was also asked if she and her boyfriend, actor Sam Milby are already talking about marriage.

"I think we're just taking our time," the former beauty queen replied. "I really love where our relationship is, we're very supportive of each other."


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