More beauty queens unite against Lupita Jones


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By MRT Staff Posted on November 22, 2020

The public accusation that the model Sofía Aragón made against Lupita Jones, director of the Mexicana Universal pageant, served as a benchmark for other beauty queens to unite against Miss Universe 1991.

In the past, many controversies have involved Jones’ career as a coach for Mexico’s international representatives. As for Aragón, who is current queen, declared that she suffered symbolic violence from Lupita, Denisse Franco from Sinaloa, who was queen of the same contest in 2017, came out to support her.

“I can also tell you that things are not as easy as they make them look,” Franco said.

Now other models have joined the cause, especially after Jones made public a video where he attacks Sofía Aragón and speaks disparagingly of other queens who have been part of the organization, pointing out that some are “drug addicts”, “drunk” and more qualifiers about his past.

Ximena Navarrete, who was Miss Universe 2010 and does not have a good relationship with Jones, posted a hint that showed her support for the beauty queens.

“Hopefully we always take care of our words and qualifying adjectives to refer to other women,” Navarrete wrote.

The Monterrey Cynthia de la Vega, who in 2011 was Nuestra Belleza Mundo México, resigned from the position under pressure from Jones. He spoke through Instagram about the situation.

“That is something that happened to me very similar 10 years ago,” said de la Vega.

“I feel that justice is being done, I was literally threatened along with my parents in their office (of Lupita), by her, but I have the lesson that time to time and that for God’s children the truth always comes out and I hope that this time unlike when it was my turn, the queens raise their voices “.

The Jalisco Nebai Torres even made an Instagram live with Sofía Aragón in which they made it clear that they will not be part of a dispute of answers. Nebai first told her situation when in 2018 she did not give the crown to the next queen because she was not financially supported to attend the award ceremony.

“They didn’t communicate with me. Afterwards they told me ‘Let’s see if you come or not.’ And I said, ‘What do I mean if I go or not?’ And they told me, ‘Well, there is no budget.’ It was paid to bring Marien, Miss International, so there is no budget for you, “he said.

Finally Paola Torres, who was Miss Earth Mexico 2019, also expressed solidarity with her companions.

“I find it shameful that being the first Mexican woman who changed history and represented us as a country in an international contest, she is the same one that today attacks us in such an arrogant and unethical way,” Torres said.

Meanwhile, Jones has already made a public apology dedicated to Sofía Aragón, the current contestants of the contest, whom he made participants during his previous video and to the general public.

He also assured that he has not had any conflict with the 31 participants who are waiting to be evaluated on November 29.

“I am in contact with them and they approach me and tell me Lupita we are with you, we know what you are doing,” he said in an interview with EL UNIVERSAL.


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