‘Most Beautiful in Liberia’ Winner Gets Car, Other Rewards



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By J. H. Webster Clayeh Last updated Jan 15, 2020

Miss Decontee Davis sitting in her award-winning car given to her by the organizers of the “Most Beautiful in Liberia” beauty pageant
Monrovia – Decontee Davis has been crowned the winner of the “Most Beautiful Girl in Liberia” held on December 21, 2019 at the Ministerial Complex.

Miss Davis, who represented her native land Grand Bassa County, was presented a brand new car as an award.

In addition, she will make a two-week trip to Dubai. She has also signed as a brand ambassador for some of Liberia’s premium fashion lines.

The “Most Beautiful Girl in Liberia” was the first of its kind in Liberia and was organized by Brigitte R. Rouhana, former Miss Liberia 2012/2013 and also former Miss ECOWAS 2nd Runner-up 2012.

The former Miss Liberia 2012/2013 is also the CEO and Director of Brigitte Modeling Agency.

Speaking minutes after receiving her award, Miss Davis appreciated all those who supported her to win the “Most Beautiful Girl in Liberia” first beauty pageant.

The crowning ceremony was held at the Ministry of Information Culture and Tourism on January 13, 2020.

“As I said during my presentation at the grand final my project is to eradicate or minimize hunger in our beloved country Liberia. For those who supported me to victory, I pray that you are by my side because the journey has just started,” Davis said.

“And to my fellow contestants, remember that we all prepare for this title and may we achieve the work of this crown.”

At the “Most Beautiful Girl in Liberia” beauty pageant, 12 contestants went through two auditions to be selected for the grand final.

Contestant representing Bong County became the first runner-up while another contestant grabs the second runner-up of the event.



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