Mr & Miss World Kenya Competition Is Back!


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01 October of 2019 by Agnes Opondo

The Mr & Miss World Kenya Beauty Pageant is here once again. The glamorous event is set to go down at the Two Rivers Mall on the 5th of October from 5:00 pm-9:00 pm – under the theme, Beauty With A Purpose. The event which will be hosted by Angela Wambui and Oga Obinna will witness the crowning of Mr & Miss World Kenya 2019.

This year’s winners will take over from the reigning Mr. World Kenya Robert Budi and Miss World Kenya Finali Galaiya. The crowned queen will represent Kenya at the Miss World Global Beauty Pageant to be held in London later this year. Miss World Beauty Pageant is the oldest pageant in the world. It was started by Eric Morley in the United Kingdom in 1951 and this year will be their 69th edition.

Kenyan superstars Moji Short Baba and Khaligraph Jones will be performing live. The panel of judges includes respected industry players such as Ashleys’ Proprietor Terry Mungai, Model Magline Jeruto, Motivational Speaker & Fashion Guru Robert Burale, and Media Personality Mike Mondo.

This edition of Miss World Kenya has been sponsored by brands such as Viu Sasa, Ashleys, Family Bank, Citizen TV, Hot 96, AAR Insurance, Magical Kenya, IMG Events, Safaricom, My Mookh, Afro Street and Two Rivers among others.

You can secure your ticket here.

Featured Image courtesy of


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