MUJ organisers embrace new order


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Kediesha Perry Aug 31, 2022 1:06 am

The 20 finalists in this year's Miss Universe Jamaica 2022 at the AC Hotel Kingston in St Andrew recently. (Photo: Observer file)

FOLLOWING the recent historic announcement that married women and mothers will be eligible to enter the Miss Universe competition, Miss Jamaica Universe (MUJ) co-director Mark McDermoth says this is a silver lining for many women.

"It is largely positive because women do everything they want. They can be involved in this organisation with so many life-changing aspects. They will have a stronger voice, I feel, and more rounded individuals will be involved. I always thought that the delegates needed more experience, and marriage, in my mind, puts greater responsibility to an individual's life. They juggle a husband, home life, children, if they have any and so much more. But, women have been doing this for years. So the competition would be just one added thing and for me, it adds the element of responsibility. Title winners are better when they have more of the responsibility title to their life. It gives them more strength," he told the Jamaica Observer.

The criteria change will take effect at the 73rd staging in 2023.

Previously, only single women, between 18 and 28, who have never been married or had children, were allowed to apply.

McDermoth added that he wasn't surprised at the move by the parent organisation, especially in light of evolving times.

"A lot of persons have been calling for a response and I know the organisation that Miss Universe is, so it was a matter of time. There was no shock there," he said, noting that the MUJ franchise will be facilitating the change in criteria come next year.

He further said the diversity of entrants in next year's competition will create a harmonious balance.

"You have young women who are, by virtue of a range of things in life, very mature. Marriage isn't the the only thing that contributes to that. Things like travelling, reading, and being immersed in situations like advocacy really add to that. If you have children, teach them the importance of looking out for their fellowmen, and shunning things like discrimination, hatred, and they will get an understanding of the world…Some persons argue that not all married people are mature, so there's that aspect. The fact is that it's how women were raised that determines their maturity," he said.

The grand coronation of the Miss Universe Jamaica beauty and wellness pageant is scheduled for this Saturday, September 3, at the AC Hotel Kingston at 8:30 pm.

A beauty, fashion and wellness expo will precede the event from 12 noon to 5:30 pm.


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