Mum-of-two Amy vying to be Miss Great Britain


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By Simon Mulligan

A MUM-OF-TWO is celebrating after being selected to compete in 75th anniversary edition of Miss Great Britain, writes Simon Mulligan.

Amy Duckworth, 29, was delighted to have been chosen to take part in the prestigious pageant which takes place in February 2020.

She has been picked out of hundreds of hopefuls to take part in the event at the Athena, Leicester which also marks 75 years since the pageant's launch.

Amy has competed in previous pageants and the Star reported in 2018 when she was chosen for the final of Ms Galaxy UK.

"I got the message saying they were doing Miss Great Britain and I was selected," said Amy, from Merton Bank.

"It is me and another four so far who have been selected, applications are still ongoing at the moment.

"I am really nervous, it is probably the one pageant that I have done that I am so nervous for because it is the most prestigious."

Amy says she is looking to raise £10,000 for charity between now and February, with her chosen cause Dementia UK.

"My auntie has got dementia and I work in a challenging behaviour unit at Stocks Hall Care Group in Skelmersdale," added Amy, mum to Daisy, 11 and George, two.

"Daisy can't wait and the family are all coming to watch me for the final and a few people from work."


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