MUO appoints popular pageant expert for Miss Universe Philippines


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By: Robert R. Requintina
Published April 4, 2019, 11:32 PM

The Miss Universe Organization (MUO) based in New York announced yesterday the appointment of popular beauty queen maker Jonas Gaffud as creative and events director for the Miss Universe Philippines brand under its organization.

Jonas Antonio Gaffud (left) poses with 2015 Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach during the unveiling of the beauty queen’s Madame Tussauds wax figure in Mandaluyong City recently. (Photo courtesy of Pia Wurtzbach Instagram).

At the same time, the MUO appointed Mario Garcoa as brand and marketing strategist for MUP.

New beginnings. Thank you, Lord. For the Universe,” said Gaffud on Instagram on Thursday.

On April 1, Gaffud left as head of the Aces and Queens beauty camp to pursue other endeavors. That time he did not say he would be involved in Miss Universe Philippines.

During his term as the camp’s head for 18 years, the Aces and Queens produced popular winners, including Pia Wurtzbach who won the Miss Universe 2015 title following a 42-year drought for the country; and Megan Lynne Young, who emerged Miss World 2013, the first for the Philippines.

The full message of the MUO:

“In our continuing efforts to constantly build and evolve the Miss Universe brand in the Philippines, the Miss Universe Organization is enhancing Binibining Pilipinas while helping grow it into a dynamic, multi-faceted platform. Working with the Araneta Group, IMG, and the new Miss Universe Philippines will take Binibining Pilipinas to exciting new levels, engaging and entertaining fans like never before. With a long term plan of evolving it into more than a one day television special, the modernization and growth of these powerful brands will place an emphasis on women empowerment and philanthropy, culminating in the selection of the candidate who is the embodiment of the modern-day Filipina;

To realize this vision, the Miss Universe Organization has acquired key talents. To be the Creative and Events Director for Miss Universe Philippines Brand under IMG Universe is the accomplished pageant and talent management expert, Jonas Gaffud. He will be responsible for elevating the level of Miss Universe Philippines further through his innovative and groundbreaking pageant creative concepts and ideas. In the process, he is expected to showcase the best of the Philippines. A strong component of which will be highlighting the advocacies of modern-day Filipinas and pushing for Philippine tourism;

“To be the Brand and Marketing Strategist for Miss Universe Philippines is the experienced marketing executive, Mario Garcia. He will be responsible in strengthening the brand of Miss Universe Philippines through fresh brand-building approaches and in pursuing meaningful partnerships with local businesses that will share the values and goals of Miss Universe Philippines. Thank you!”


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