Myanmar beauty contestant speaks out; at least 4 die in protests


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Myanmar beauty contestant Han Lay, competing in the Miss Grand pageant in Bangkok yesterday, hit out at the crackdown in which more than 280 people have been killed by Myanmar's military since Feb 1. PHOTO: AFP

Her plea during Bangkok pageant comes as security forces fire at activists

Mar 26, 2021 06:00 am

BANGKOK : Myanmar beauty contestant Han Lay, now in Bangkok competing in the Miss Grand pageant, took a bold step in defence of her people.

She hit out at the crackdown in which more than 280 people have been killed by Myanmar's military as it struggles to quell protests against the Feb 1 ousting of the civilian government and arrest of Ms Aung San Suu Kyi.

"I want to say from here to the world: Please support the Myanmar people," she told Thailand's Khaosod English news website. "So many people die in Myanmar by the guns of the military... Please save us."

Her heartfelt plea was all the more poignant as security forces fired at pro-democracy activists taking part in street demonstrations yesterday, killing at least four in the town of Taunggyi in central Myanmar, the Myanmar Now news portal said.

Thousands of people held street protests in Yangon, the city of Monywa and several other towns, according to witnesses.

"Are we united? Yes we are," protesters shouted in Monywa. "The revolution must prevail."

Ms Nant Khi Phyu Aye, one of those in the street, said many of the protesters were youngsters. "They want to protest every day," she told Reuters.

The world's response to the Myanmar crisis has been too sluggish and far from tough enough to prevent further deterioration, the UN expert on rights in the country said yesterday.

Mr Tom Andrews, the United Nations special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, called for an emergency summit to sharpen the response and said it should include the South-east Asian country's neighbours and global powers.

"Conditions in Myanmar are deteriorating but they will likely get worse without an immediate, robust, international response in support of those under siege," Mr Andrews said.

Mr Andrews, who does not speak for the UN but is mandated to report his findings to the global body, said a combination of domestic peaceful resistance, sustained pressure and international diplomatic momentum would save lives and have a far greater chance of success than taking up arms.

"I fear that the international community has only a short time remaining to act," Mr Andrews said. - AFP, REUTERS


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