Myanmar's beauty queen to take part in Miss World pageant 2018 in China


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Source: Xinhua| 2018-11-03 20:52:18|Editor: xuxin

YANGON, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- Miss contestant Han Thi will represent Myanmar at the upcoming Miss World pageant 2018 which will be held in China this year, state-run Myanma Alinn reported Saturday.

The 21-year-old Han Thi was once placed in the top 10 at the Miss Supranational 2014 and won the continental title for Miss Asia and Oceania.

Han Thi will leave Myanmar on Nov. 9 to take part in the training activities along with other contestants.

With over 120 beauty contestants, the 68th Miss World beauty pageant is scheduled for Dec. 8 in Sanya, China.

Meanwhile, Miss India Manushi Chhillar was crowned the title of Miss World 2017 which was held in November last year in Sanya, China.

Launched in 1951, Miss World pageant is one of the big four international beauty pageants along with Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Earth.


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