Namibian beauties to strut their stuff overseas


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Entertainment | 2021-07-12 by Rinelda Mouton

THE Miss Namibia organisation has announced Namibia's representation at various international pageants recently.

The good news came after the organisation did not participate in any international pageant last year.

Miss Namibia 2021 Chelsi Shikongo (23) will represent her country at Miss Universe 2021, Annerie Maré (26) from Kamanjab, the first runner-up for Miss Namibia 2021, will participate in Miss World 2021, which will take place from 19 November to 17 December in Puerto Rico, and Miss Teen Namibia 2021, Alexis Swart (19), will contest for the Miss Teen Universe title in Dubai from 25 October to 7 November.

“There were many countries, like Namibia, that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic did not have a national pageant in 2020 and also did not partake in an international pageant. As you know, the Miss Universe 2020 pageant took place in May this year, and the Miss Universe 2021 pageant finale will be in December this year. Miss World cancelled their 2020 pageant,” Conny Maritz, managing director of the Miss Namibia pageant, says.

Maritz says it is the first time that a runner-up will represent Namibia at the Miss World pageant.

“This is the trend now, to save on the enormous production costs. Annerie will be very busy with a charity project for the Miss World Organisation in our country for their 'Beauty with a Purpose' charity projects,” she says.

Martiz says before the contestants leave the country they will undergo pageant training, voice training/public speaking, various photo shoots, and will plan and acquire wardrobes.

Maritz says representing Namibia at international pageants is not easy and comes with various challenges, such as collecting sufficient funding.

“The licence fee is enormous, and added to that are the costs of international flights, en route accommodation, the minimum prescribed wardrobe, national and evening gowns, excess luggage, visas, professional pageant training, coaching and photography,” she says.

Shikongo says she is honoured and grateful for the opportunity to represent Namibia on the international stage.

“I am so excited about the journey. I am mainly looking forward to learning skills I can apply to my life, and the once-in-a-lifetime experience to take part in a prestigious international competition such as Miss Universe. I am able to create global awareness of our beautiful land and its people,” she says.

Swart says her participation would give her the chance to travel internationally and see places she has only dreamed of.

“It also gives me the opportunity to encourage the next Miss Teen Namibia to go to Miss Teen Universe, as I'll be the first Namibian to enter this competition. I am looking forward to building a bond with the girls and learning about their countries and their cultures,” she says.


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