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December 26, 2018 Adam@JRT 

Ne-Yo gave us some major throwback feels as he performed one of his and music’s most popular tracks: “Miss Independent” live at the Miss Universe 2018 pageant. The annual event that crowns the most beautiful and talented ‘miss’ of the world, was serenaded with Ne-Yo’s classic hit performance.

‘Miss Universe 2018’ unfolded for the 67th consecutive year at IMPACT Arena, Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi Province, Thailand. Several returnees from previous years and debutants made their appearances in this year’s event. Contestants from 94 countries participated this year and the three finalists were Sthefany Gutiérrez from Venezuela, Tamaryn Green from South Africa and Catriona Gray from the Philippines. Catriona Gray was crowned Miss Universe 2018.

Ne-Yo appeared in his classic ‘suited-up’ attire with a peacock stylished blazer, black trouser and black hat to deliver his classic hit “Miss Independent” from 2008. The song debuted at #98 on Billboard Hot 100 and soared up to #7 in eight weeks that followed. The song also secured Ne-Yo two Grammy Awards at the 51st Grammy Awards in 2009 for ‘Best Male R&B Vocal Performance’ and ‘Best R&B Song.’

Watch Ne-Yo Perform “Miss Independent” Live at Miss Universe 2018 Pageant

The three finalists of Miss Universe 2018; Sthefany Gutiérrez, Tamaryn Green and Catriona Gray walked the ramp in sizzling dresses as Ne-Yo walked the finalists down the ramp and performed his song. The ladies sure did appreciate the gesture and the eloquent act.

“Cause she walk like a boss
Talk like a boss
Manicured nails to set the pedicure off
She’s fly effortlessly”

Miss Universe 2018 winner Catriona Gray during her swimwear show (Image credits: newsweek)

Miss Universe 2018 finalists (Image credits: Pittsburgh courier)

All-in-all it was an elegant performance for an elegant show. And what a matching song for the Miss Universe pageant? The song speaks about how the singer is in love with this beautiful, confident and stand-alone woman. Isn’t that what the Miss Universe event is all about?

What do you think about this “Miss Independent” performance by Ne-Yo? Should he make a return to music? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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