'Nepotism King' Karan Johar To Launch Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar?



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DIVYIA ASTHANA |September 3 , 2018 , 15:01 IST

Renowned filmmaker Karan Johar has gotten a bad rap as being a supporter of nepotism, courtesy all the star kids he launches, however, new reports suggest that his next launch does not hail from a filmy family, although she is famous in her own right; Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar.

Although Manushi is barred by Miss World protocol to not engage in any alternate career for a year after being crowned, the Miss World 2018 pageant is coming up on December 8, after which she can opt for any career option she wants to.

According to a report in SpotboyE, Manushi has been approached by Karan Johar himself, expressing interest in launching her in Bollywood in an untitled film which would go on floors next year. Manushi is said to have given a green signal for the project and has also passed a look test for the film.

While Manushi, like former Miss Worlds Aishwarya Rai, Priyanka Chopra and Diana Hayden, has received several film offers, a debut with Karan Johar's Dharma Productions is a dream come true for any newcomer.

In an earlier interview, Manushi said, “I do enjoy being in front of the camera and that is something new I have discovered. With all these changes that are happening in my life, I try to take things as they come. When such a situation (Bollywood offers) will come when I have to make a choice, I will know a definite answer.”

Manushi was earlier pursuing her MBBS degree from an all-girls medical college in Haryana's Sonepat district, however, due to taking a year-long break and missing her exams she will reportedly not be allowed to give further exams.



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