Netizens Praise Kebaya-Inspired Outfit Worn By Miss World Malaysia Lavanya Sivaji


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If you have been wondering how some outfits can look so good on one person, the answer could be that it’s simply specially made for them. Sometimes, designers design an outfit with a specific person in mind and that’s what makes the outfit all the more special and beautiful.

Not everyone has the opportunity to design for and style someone as famous as a Miss World winner but this team of people got netizens talking about the outfit that was worn by Miss World Malaysia 2021 winner, Doctor Lavanya Sivaji.

Doctor Lavanya Sivaji recently posted photos of herself rocking a custom-designed Kebaya-inspired outfit for her indoor judging duties for this year’s Miss World. The caption on the post reads, “Completed my Indoor judging for Miss World today and it was truly a memorable experience talking to wonderful people. The Miss World finals is happening in 2 days !

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