Netizens Say It’s Unfair For Eddie Kwan To Perform On Stage With His Miss Hong Kong Contestant Daughter During The Semis


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By ILSA CHAN Published AUGUST 24, 2021

The semi-finals of the Miss Hong Kong 2021 pageant was held last Sunday (Aug 22) and hot favourite Fabienne Kwan, 26, aka the daughter of actor Eddie Kwan, made it to the finals, but not without controversy.

During the talent segment, Eddie, 59, joined Fabienne on stage where father and daughter performed on the piano.

This did not go down well with some netizens, who questioned if that move was fair to the other contestants, who don't have a famous actor for a father. They also say that Fabienne only made it to the finals with her dad's help.

It's not the Miss Hong Kong pageant without controversy

When interviewed, Fabienne revealed that it was a last minute decision to perform with her dad and that it was meant to be a surprise.

[My] dad did not help me get into the finals, she said. I played the piano. I discussed this with other contestants earlier and [having him on stage to] was to surprise the audience, she said.

Fabienne doesn't need to rely on her dad, okay

Eddie also denied using his connections to help Fabienne get into the finals.

“If I had connections, I would have won Best Actor [at the TVB Anniversary Awards] last year and not Vincent Wong. It is very fair now, rely on yourself and your own ability,” he said, adding that Fabienne holds a master’s degree in education and is more well-spoken than he is.

People say she is relying on her father [to get far in the competition], but in fact she is better than me!

He shared that Fabienne is under a lot of pressure and that he told her to stay strong to withstand the competition.

In a previous interview, Fabienne revealed that she quit her job as an English teacher to take part in the pageant because she feels that this is her last chance of getting into showbiz.

The Miss Hong Kong 2021 final will take place on September 12.

Fabienne (3rd from left) with her fellow Miss Hong Kong 2021 finalists

Photos: Oriental Daily

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