New Miss Colombia, 20, sparks OUTRAGE with controversial remarks


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THE woman crowned Miss Colombia this week has caused a storm with her comments on transgender women.

By Anthony Blair / Published 3rd October 2018

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Valeria Morales, 20, has come under fire after saying transgender people shouldn't compete in the Miss Universe beauty pageant.

She said the competition should only be for "women who are born women".

The leggy brunette was referring to Spanish trans model Angela Ponce, 26, who in July was crowned Miss Universe Spain.

Ponce will be the first transgender representative at the Miss Universe contest, set to take place in Bangkok, Thailand, on December 17.

In an interview with Colombian television, she said: "I think that beauty shows like Miss Universe should be for women who are born women, and I think it would be a disadvantage for Ponce too.

"Therefore, we should respect her but not share it with her."

Ponce has declined to comment on Morales' interview but released a video several weeks ago referring to her involvement in Miss Universe.

CHAMPION: Valeria was crowned Miss Colombia on Monday

OUTSPOKEN: The comments have sparked outrage among many

“Miss Universe should be for women who are born women”

Valeria Morales

Addressing her critics, she said: "I would like to tell them that I am a woman.

"I am a trans woman and I have the right to be there.

"So I ask them to respect it because the rules allow me to participate."

Several hours after her controversial interview, Morales appeared to back down on her earlier comments.

AWARD: Morales has backed down

WINNER: Morales with the crown the day after the victory

BREAKTHROUGH: First transgender Miss Universe candidate Angela Ponce

She told reporters: "If Miss Universe accepts Angela, I will accept her with love and respect."

Morales is an avid social media user, and regularly shares pics and video with her 20.4k Instagram followers.

On the morning after her Miss Colombia win, she posted a picture of her holding her crown, to the delight of her fans.

"Now we go for the Miss Universe crown... STUNNING," wrote one fan.


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