New Miss SA determined to use her reign to help SA thrive


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Sasha-Lee Laurel Olivier is the new Miss South Africa.

When Sasha-Lee Olivier, 26, entered the Miss SA pageant last May, she was not considered a typical beauty queen.

From Alberton, her beauty might have been hard to ignore, but she was labelled “plus size” in the pageantry world.

Despite the odds stacked against her, the marketing and psychology student stunned the industry when she was named runner-up in the pageant last August.

But the turn of the new year has since seen her being crowned the official queen of the land after her predecessor, Zozibini Tunzi, won Miss Universe in December.

“In the view of the industry, I might be considered plus size but that’s not how I see myself,” Olivier said.

“I think that I am my own size and I love my body just the way it is.”

With the crown firmly placed on her head, she now wants to use the Miss SA platform to preach a body-positive narrative.

While the former model possesses many qualities that South Africans can celebrate, Olivier considers her win a victory for women of all body shapes and from all walks of life, who will now be able to see a bit of themselves in her image.

“I think there is now more of a focus to be more inclusive,” she said.

“My crowning was a step in the right direction for all kinds of different and unique people.”

Apart from redefining beauty standards, Olivier also had to battle several demons in her young life, despite the perception that on the surface her features, curvy figure and hair has meant that the world has always been at her feet.

One of her greatest challenges has been recovering from sexual abuse she experienced as a child, a traumatic topic that she has not shied away from since her time in the spotlight.

Now that she lends her voice to the national stage, Olivier wants to use her reign to help those who have experienced similar horrors.

During her Miss World campaign, where she ranked in the top 40, Olivier launched the #ItsNotYourFault campaign, which aimed to bring solace to women and men who were survivors of sexual assault.

“I am passionate about speaking out against sexual abuse, particulary the aftermath, because there are not many organisations who deal with the trauma or offer adeqaute emotional support to the vast number of people who go through it,” she said.

While the Gauteng beauty is cognisant of awareness campaigns, she wants to use her time as Miss SA to do more than just talk.

“I don’t just want to just create awareness on topics like sexual abuse, we already know the issue is important.

“I want to be instrumental in implementing projects and turn words into action.”

As the 61th Miss SA, Olivier acknowledges the strides those who have come before her have achieved, not only in the country, but also internationally.

Three Miss Universes have hailed from South Africa, and the same number of local beauties have walked away with the Miss World title.

“I see my time as Miss SA as an opportunity to build on the legacy of women who came before me.”

Olivier added that despite the superficial reputation beauty pageants have become notorious for around the globe, such platforms were still credible and a powerful way to foster large-scale change in society.

“I believe in pro-choice and the right to choose which platforms to associate with and for this reason I appreciate this medium for change, which is instrumental in addressing socio-economic issues and creates awareness where many of the projects former Miss SA’s have worked on have gone to being implemented.”

Olivier is determined to keep her feet firmly on the ground during her reign because she believes that the reason she was chosen as the new Miss SA was that her authenticity was evident.

“I think people could see I was sincere and really wanted to use this platform to make a change.”

Her advice to her fellow South Africans who aspire to walk in her footsteps is that they should dare to dream.

“Everything in my life has led me to this moment and for me it was a case of destiny delayed and not destiny denied.

“I want all South Africans to know that the dreams they have are possible.”


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