Newark beauty queen aims for Miss Great Britain title


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By Jessica Goddard - Published: 14:03, 05 July 2021

A student has earned the title of Miss Nottingham and is now in with a chance of becoming Miss Great Britain.

Lacey Coleman, 20, will attend the national final on Thursday, September 16, at the Novotel Hotel and Athena in Leicester.

Lacey will take part in Miss Great Britain on Thursday, 16 September (48462639)Lacey will take part in Miss Great Britain on Thursday, 16 September (48462639)
She is busy making preparations for the competition, which includes taking photos and fundraising for charities Cancer Research UK and Alex’s Wish.

“All of us are now working hard for different pictures,” Lacey explained.

There are six awards up for grabs ­— the Charity Award, Talent Award, Public Choice Award, Beach Body Award, Publicity Award and Personality Award.

The theatre student won Miss Newark in 2019 shortly after starting her journey into pageantry.

Lacey hopes to inspire others to feel more positive about their bodies through her work, and that her title will open multiple doors for future career opportunities.

“I want to show myself and many others that our bodies are fine as they are in all shapes and sizes and that we should love our bodies equally and to show that pageantry isn’t all about a pretty face any more there’s a lot more to that it’s becoming a role model to others,” she said.

Lacey (pictured right) is sponsored by MC Productions, a Nottingham-based disco lighting and stage hire company, to help with the costs of her competitions.

To follow Lacey’s journey, go to her Facebook page, Miss Nottingham 2021.


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