Newark to Welcome Miss Universe Pageant Runner-Up, Madison Anderson Berrios


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January 31, 2020 at 2:34 PM

Sofía Aragón, Miss Universe Mexico 2019; Zozibini Tunzi, Miss Universe South Africa 2019; Madison Anderson, Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2019; anxiously awaited to find out which woman was crowned.
Credits: Courtesy of Frank L Szelwach

NEWARK, NJ — Newark plans to welcome the reigning Miss Universe Pageant Runner-Up, Madison Anderson Berrios, on Monday Feb. 3 at City Hall.

Berrios represented Puerto Rico in last year’s pageant held in Atlanta. During Monday's ceremony, she will discuss her journey and offer words of empowerment to students from Roberto Clemente School and pageant winners from various cultural organizations.

The ceremony will take place at 1 p.m. in the City Hall Press Room.

Berrios was born to a Puerto Rican mother and American father, and she grew up in Orlando, Florida. She earned an associate’s degree in communications and public relations at La Guardia Community College in New York. She has worked as a model and participated in volleyball, track and field.

She has also done humanitarian work, serving as an emotional advocate and volunteer spokesperson for safe places for women in St. Kitts, Puerto Rico, and Florida.

Berrios now works with Metamorphosis, a social project based on her work with victims of domestic violence. Through this motto, she wants to help survivors who have managed to escape their homes and find themselves in shelters, discover themselves, empower themselves and start a full and independent life.

Berrios’s appearance in Newark was made possible by Marie Llanos, who spearheads the West New York Fashion Week production.


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