Newly Crowned Miss Kansas Gracie Hunt Mercilessly Dunks on Her Competition by Posting Her Swimsuit Video and Proudly Defending the Swimsuit Competition


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Jerry Thornton 4/14/2021 5:30 PM

By now you've no doubt heard that Gracie Hunt, daughter of the CEO of the Kansas City Chiefs and heiress to the Lamar Hunt Trophy empire, was just crowned Miss Kansas, and is onto the Miss USA pageant:

While I hadn't been familiar with her work before Reags brought us this news of her triumph, in the few days since, I'm come to respect and appreciate this young hopeful for the fierce, determined competitor she is.

Most newly crowned state pageant winners would be perfectly satisfied to rest on their laurels and their sashes. To lay low for a while, take a deep breath and soak it all in. Maybe give it a week or two before they look at the national pageant ahead. Work on their answers to questions about empowering the next generation of female leaders or hone their flaming baton twirling skills or whatever. Not our Miss Kansas. She wasted no time planting her flag in the soil and putting the competition on notice that she didn't come this far just to come this far.

Prepare yourselves, 49 other states plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam. This is what you are going up against:

Yeah, good luck with that. This must have been what it felt like to be a PGA Tour veteran when Tiger turned pro, hit the driving range with all of them and just started blasting perfectly shaped 3-iron shots 25 yards past their best drives. Just having the unshakable feeling that there is a new giant in the game and your time is over.

I mean, how do you go up against that, much less defeat it? This is the reason the Swimsuit Competition was invented. Hell, its the reason the swimsuit was invented. She's powerful. Dazzling. Confident. And why shouldn't she be? This is the genetically perfect human form. And even better than this unforgettable stage presence is her defense of the competition itself, as it comes under attack for being outdated and sexist for probably the 100th consecutive year:

Miss Kansas USA fitness competition!

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