Nineteen-Year-Old Cops Miss Universe Crown


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Monday | August 27, 2018 | 12:00 AMShereitta Grizzle

Miss Universe Jamaica Emily Madison (centre) flanked by runners up Khadejah Anderson (left), Miss Grand Jamaica, and Kayla Smith, Miss Intercontinental Jamaica.

Nineteen-year-old Emily Madison, Miss Heaven's Fesco, is Miss Universe Jamaica 2018. Madison, a past student of Campion College, walked away with the prestigious crown after an intense night of competition at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel on Friday night.

On a night which saw more than 20 beautiful young women vying for the crown, Madison, who was a crowd favourite, came away the winner. When she was announced the winner, it came as little surprise to the room full of guests who turned up to watch the grand coronation. She had already won four sectional prizes, including Best in Swimwear, Best in Evening Gown, and Miss Photogenic.

The interview section, known to make or break a contestant, saw all but one of the contestants in the top six handle their question with class and poise. Madison won the crowd's approval when her question required her to reveal her best quality, and state how that quality would help her achieve her goals as Miss Universe Jamaica. Opting not to answer with a typical response, Madison said that at 19 years old, her inexperience is perhaps her best quality. She explained that her inexperience allows her to take on each situation she's faced with as a challenge, as she never knows what to expect. Her answer had guests applauding, with some musing that they expected a more generic response and were pleased with how she handled herself.

Kayla Smith and Khadejah Anderson gave Madison some stiff competition, as both also did well in the interview segment. Though they did not win the biggest crown of the night, both were still winners and were awarded titles of their own. Smith, who placed third, takes over the reigns as Miss Intercontinental Jamaica, and Anderson who placed second, will wear the crown of Miss Grand Jamaica. Both will represent Jamaica at the respective global competitions.

Madison will, of course represent Jamaica in the global Miss Universe pageant slated for Bangkok, Thailand, in December.

The entertainment package at this year's grand coronation show was far from spectacular. The highlight performance of the night came from Wayne Marshall, who took patrons on a trip down memory lane with some of his older hits. Although the audience seemed to enjoy the nostalgic feeling Marshall's earlier hits were bringing, it was his 2018 hit Glory to God, that garnered the biggest reaction from the crowd. They sang along as the stage was seemingly 'consecrated' for the new queen.


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