Nishimwe Naomie Mäckenzie crowned Miss Rwanda 2020


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February 25, 2020

Miss Rwanda 2020, hosted its coronation night recently at Intare Arena. The gorgeous beauties from all over the country competed for the national crown and at the event finale Nishimwe Naomie Mackenzie was crowned as the new beauty queen. Miss World Rwanda 2019 Meghan Nimwiza crowned her successor at the end of event finale.

The 21-year-old has completed her high school in Mathematics, Economics and Geography. She is an advocate of Mental Health and spoke about the same while addressing her project at Miss Rwanda 2020 stage. The diva performed with immense confidence and determination in order to win the title and an opportunity to represent Rwanda at Miss World 2020. The diva was also adjudged the title of Miss Photogenic during the ceremony.

This is the 10th edition of Miss Rwanda, the beauty pageant offers a complete package to girls: values, confidence, life-skills, a sense of responsibility, how to break boundaries, exposure, privileged access and an opportunity to serve and inspire others.

On the finale night authentic traditional dances and songs from Rwanda's famous dance troupe Inganzo Ngari gave amazing performance. Miss World Tanzania 2019 Sylivia Sebastian Bebwa graced the gala night with her presence. Sherrie Silver internationally renowned UK-based Rwandan choreographer, actress and model; was also there for Miss Rwanda 2020 coronation ceremony. Nishimwe will now represent Rwanda at Miss World 2020.


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