NIT student to represent Tanzania at Miss Tourism World 2022


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The Miss Tourism Tanzania, is the only competition in Tanzania that won many titles in international competitions

By Alex Nelson Malanga TUESDAY FEBRUARY 08 2022

Dar es Salaam. Organisers of Miss Tourism Tanzania have named a student from the National Institute of Transport (NIT), Ms Angela Steven (pictured), as to represent the country at the ‘Miss Tourism World 2022’ slated for Sarawak, Malaysia, in November.
The 24-year old is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree course in Logistics and Transport Management.
“Angela is very passionate about bringing glory to the country by bringing the crown home,” said Miss Tourism Tanzania president Gideon Chipungahelo.
Chipingahelo - whose institution organised the Miss Tourism World 2006 pageantry in Tanzania for the first time in the country’s history, said Ms Steven’s charming personality would easily impress the judges and at the competition.
“The Miss Tourism Tanzania, is the only competition in Tanzania that won many titles in international competitions, it is the only competition for promoting tourist and cultural beauty of our beautiful country,” he said. Ms Steven qualified after winning the Miss Tourism Tanzania 2021/2022 pageant during a contest that was held last November.
She was born in Mara Region.
She had already participated in a number of social events at the NIT.

“Being picked to represent my country on the world stage is a great honour,” she said, acknowledging the support she gets from her parents, the Miss Tourism Tanzania and the NIT administration under its Rector, Prof Zacharia Mganilwa. (Alex Malanga)


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