No auditions for this year’s Miss Botswana


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By Sharon Mathala - August 31, 2018 62 0

WINNERS: Miss Botswana 2017 and her princesses


Organisers of controversy stricken Miss Botswana pageant announced this week that this year’s pageant will be hosted on September 21, giving Miss Botswana 2018/2019 hopefuls only three weeks to prepare.

The pageant organizers, who are Botswana Council of Women (BCW) in partnership with Development Advance Institute hosted a stakeholder meeting over the weekend to map the way forward in their bid to redeem the pageant’s already tainted reputation.

However in an interesting twist to the tale of operation re-branding the national beauty pageant, Voice Entertainment has been informed that there will be no auditions for this year’s showdown for the fairest in the country. Instead the organizers will host a ‘mini’ pageant with last year’s top 12 and proceed to crown the winner.

This was confirmed by Miss Botswana 2018/2019 spokesperson, Basadi Molelekeng who said “because the main focus is re-brand Miss Botswana we will not have the Miss Botswana run as it has been. What is going to happen is that this year we will just have a mini pageant with last year’s top 12 and crown the winner from there.”

Pressed further Molelekeng said “you see with Miss World there is a deadline as to when a name should be submitted, we actually had to ask for an extension by a week to allow us enough time to round up last year’s top 12 to see if they are interested in participating again this year.”

Molelekeng, who admitted that Miss Botswana had over the years been marred in controversy especially with the winner not being given the prizes, also confirmed that initially they had asked the Miss World to have automatic succession where last year’s winner would automatically crown her first princess.

“You see it’s a route which is allowed but not preferred. So they suggested we rather have a mini pageant if the candidates are still eligible and crown the winner from there,” she explained.

Molelekeng however added that things will go back to normal next year.

Nicole Galeboe was last year crowned Miss Botswana, while Neelo Nthobatsan and Uua Murangi were crowned first and second princess respectively.


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