No bad blood: PH, Colombia queens show love for each other


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Posted at Jan 17 2018 03:41 PM

MANILA – Whoever thinks there is still bad blood between the Philippines and Colombia in the beauty pageant realm is still living in the past.

The representatives of the two countries in Miss Intercontinental 2017 seem to be getting along quite well, as seen in their recent social media posts.

In a video shared by Colombia’s Liz Mendieta on Instagram, she and the Philippines’ Katarina Rodriguez are seen goofing around by the pool after a photo shoot.

Both are all praises for each other, with Rodriguez calling Mendieta “muy bonita” (very pretty).

Mendieta, for her part, said Rodriguez is “a beautiful queen.”

Some netizens commented on their posts, saying they are happy to see the two beauty queens together.

It’s been more than two years since the controversial results of the Miss Universe 2015 pageant drove a wedge between fans of the Philippines’ Pia Wurtzbach and Colombia’s Ariadna Gutierrez.

Gutierrez was mistakenly proclaimed Miss Universe by host Steve Harvey, only to be announced later on that Wurtzbach is the real winner.

A Colombian even went as far as burning an effigy of Wurtzbach on New Year’s Eve as they protested the results of the pageant.


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